Data model

The schema drives the getters and filters available on in the library. Note that data structures are defined in the model submodule but client code generally only needs to interact with Record objects.


A Python-typed description of the fields is provided below.

Field Python Type Description
year float Year for the survey in which this observation was made.
srvy str The name of the survey in which this observation was made. NBS (N Bearing Sea), EBS (SE Bearing Sea), BSS (Bearing Sea Slope), or GOA (Gulf of Alaska)
survey str Long form description of the survey in which the observation was made.
survey_id float Unique numeric ID for the survey.
cruise float An ID uniquely identifying the cruise in which the observation was made. Multiple cruises in a survey.
haul float An ID uniquely identifying the haul in which this observation was made. Multiple hauls per cruise.
stratum float Unique ID for statistical area / survey combination as described in the metadata or 0 if an experimental tow.
station str Station associated with the survey.
vessel_name str Unique ID describing the vessel that made this observation. This is left as a string but, in practice, is likely numeric.
vessel_id float Name of the vessel at the time the observation was made with multiple names potentially associated with a vessel ID.
date_time str The date and time of the haul which has been attempted to be transformed to an ISO 8601 string without timezone info. If it couldn’t be transformed, the original string is reported.
latitude_dd float Latitude in decimal degrees associated with the haul.
longitude_dd float Longitude in decimal degrees associated with the haul.
species_code float Unique ID associated with the species observed.
common_name str The “common name” associated with the species observed. Example: Pacific glass shrimp
scientific_name str The “scientific name” associated with the species observed. Example: Pasiphaea pacifica
taxon_confidence str Confidence flag regarding ability to identify species (High, Moderate, Low). In practice, this can also be Unassessed.
cpue_kgha Optional[float] Catch weight divided by net area (kg / hectares) if available. See metadata. None if could not interpret as a float.
cpue_kgkm2 Optional[float] Catch weight divided by net area (kg / km^2) if available. See metadata. None if could not interpret as a float.
cpue_kg1000km2 Optional[float] Catch weight divided by net area (kg / km^2 * 1000) if available. See metadata. None if could not interpret as a float.
cpue_noha Optional[float] Catch number divided by net sweep area if available (count / hectares). See metadata. None if could not interpret as a float.
cpue_nokm2 Optional[float] Catch number divided by net sweep area if available (count / km^2). See metadata. None if could not interpret as a float.
cpue_no1000km2 Optional[float] Catch number divided by net sweep area if available (count / km^2 * 1000). See metadata. None if could not interpret as a float.
weight_kg Optional[float] Taxon weight (kg) if available. See metadata. None if could not interpret as a float.
count Optional[float] Total number of organism individuals in haul. None if could not interpret as a float.
bottom_temperature_c Optional[float] Bottom temperature associated with observation if available in Celsius. None if not given or could not interpret as a float.
surface_temperature_c Optional[float] Surface temperature associated with observation if available in Celsius. None if not given or could not interpret as a float.
depth_m float Depth of the bottom in meters.
distance_fished_km float Distance of the net fished as km.
net_width_m float Distance of the net fished as m.
net_height_m float Height of the net fished as m.
area_swept_ha float Area covered by the net while fishing in hectares.
duration_hr float Duration of the haul as number of hours.
tsn Optional[int] Taxonomic information system species code.
ak_survey_id int AK identifier for the survey.

For more information on the schema, see the metadata repository but note that the fields may be slightly different in the Python library per what is actually returned by the API.

Filters and getters

These fields are available as getters on afscgap.model.Record (result.get_srvy()) and may be used as optional filters on the query asfcgagp.query(srvy='GOA'). Fields which are Optional have two getters. First, the "regular" getter (result.get_count()) will assert that the field is not None before returning a non-optional. The second "maybe" getter (result.get_count_maybe()) will return None if the value was not provided or could not be parsed.

API Field Filter on Query Regular Getter Maybe Getter
year filter_year() get_year() -> float
srvy filter_srvy() get_srvy() -> str
survey filter_survey() get_survey() -> str
survey_id filter_survey_id() get_survey_id() -> float
cruise filter_cruise() get_cruise() -> float
haul filter_haul() get_haul() -> float
stratum filter_stratum() get_stratum() -> float
station filter_station() get_station() -> str
vessel_name filter_vessel_name() get_vessel_name() -> str
vessel_id filter_vessel_id() get_vessel_id() -> float
date_time filter_date_time() get_date_time() -> str
latitude_dd filter_latitude(units='dd') get_latitude(units='dd') -> float
longitude_dd filter_longitude(units='dd') get_longitude(units='dd') -> float
species_code filter_species_code() get_species_code() -> float
common_name filter_common_name() get_common_name() -> str
scientific_name filter_scientific_name() get_scientific_name() -> str
taxon_confidence filter_taxon_confidence() get_taxon_confidence() -> str
cpue_kgha filter_cpue_weight(units='kg/ha') get_cpue_weight(units='kg/ha') -> float get_cpue_weight_maybe(units='kg/ha') -> Optional[float]
cpue_kgkm2 filter_cpue_weight(units='kg/km2') get_cpue_weight(units='kg/km2') -> float get_cpue_weight_maybe(units='kg/km2') -> Optional[float]
cpue_kg1000km2 filter_cpue_weight(units='kg1000/km2') get_cpue_weight(units='kg1000/km2') -> float get_cpue_weight_maybe(units='kg1000/km2') -> Optional[float]
cpue_noha filter_cpue_count(units='count/ha') get_cpue_count(units='count/ha') -> float get_cpue_count_maybe(units='count/ha') -> Optional[float]
cpue_nokm2 filter_cpue_count(units='count/km2') get_cpue_count(units='count/km2') -> float get_cpue_count_maybe(units='count/km2') -> Optional[float]
cpue_no1000km2 filter_cpue_count(units='count1000/km2') get_cpue_count(units='count1000/km2') -> float get_cpue_count_maybe(units='count1000/km2') -> Optional[float]
weight_kg filter_weight(units='kg') get_weight(units='kg') -> float get_weight_maybe() -> Optional[float]
count filter_count() get_count() -> float get_count_maybe() -> Optional[float]
bottom_temperature_c filter_bottom_temperature(units='c') get_bottom_temperature(units='c') -> float get_bottom_temperature_maybe(units='c') -> Optional[float]
surface_temperature_c filter_surface_temperature(units='c') get_surface_temperature(units='c') -> float get_surface_temperature_maybe() -> Optional[float]
depth_m filter_depth(units='m') get_depth(units='m') -> float
distance_fished_km filter_distance_fished(units='km') get_distance_fished(units='km') -> float
net_width_m filter_net_width(units='m') get_net_width(units='m') -> float get_net_width(units='m') -> Optional[float]
net_height_m filter_net_height(units='m') get_net_height(units='m') -> float get_net_height(units='m') -> Optional[float]
area_swept_ha filter_area_swept(units='ha') get_area_swept(units='ha') -> float
duration_hr filter_duration(units='hr') get_duration(units='hr') -> float
tsn filter_tsn() get_tsn() -> int get_tsn_maybe() -> Optional[int]
ak_survey_id filter_ak_survey_id() get_ak_survey_id() -> int

Support for additional units are available for some fields and are calculated on the fly within the afscgap library when requested. Record objects also have a is_complete method which returns true if all the fields with an Optional type are non-None and the date_time could be parsed and made into an ISO 8601 string.