
Utilities to describe and execute filters over precomputed indicies.

Utilities to describe and execute filters over precomputed indicies which, provided in Avro, may help avoid requesting unnecessary catches.

(c) 2025 Regents of University of California / The Eric and Wendy Schmidt Center for Data Science and the Environment at UC Berkeley.

This file is part of afscgap released under the BSD 3-Clause License. See

  2Utilities to describe and execute filters over precomputed indicies.
  4Utilities to describe and execute filters over precomputed indicies which, provided in Avro, may
  5help avoid requesting unnecessary catches.
  7(c) 2025 Regents of University of California / The Eric and Wendy Schmidt Center
  8for Data Science and the Environment at UC Berkeley.
 10This file is part of afscgap released under the BSD 3-Clause License. See
 13import functools
 14import itertools
 15import typing
 17import afscgap.convert
 18import afscgap.param
 20MATCH_TARGET = typing.Union[float, int, str, None]
 21STRS = typing.Iterable[str]
 24class IndexFilter:
 25    """Interface for a filter against a precomupted index."""
 27    def __init__(self):
 28        """Create a new index filter."""
 29        raise NotImplementedError('Use implementor.')
 31    def get_index_names(self) -> STRS:
 32        """Get the name of the precomputed index to use to filter results.
 34        Returns:
 35            The name of the precomputed index which can be used to execute this filter.
 36        """
 37        raise NotImplementedError('Use implementor.')
 39    def get_matches(self, target: MATCH_TARGET) -> bool:
 40        """Determine a value matches this filter.
 42        Args:
 43            target: The value to test if matches this filter.
 45        Returns:
 46            True if this matches this filter's critera for being included in results for False
 47            otherwise.
 48        """
 49        raise NotImplementedError('Use implementor.')
 52class StringEqIndexFilter(IndexFilter):
 53    """Precomputed index filter that checks for string equality."""
 55    def __init__(self, index_name: str, param: afscgap.param.StrEqualsParam):
 56        """Create a new string equals filter.
 58        Args:
 59            index_name: The name of the precomputed index filter to use for finding results.
 60            param: The string equals parameter to apply to the precomputed index.
 61        """
 62        self._index_name = index_name
 63        self._param = param
 65    def get_index_names(self) -> STRS:
 66        return [self._index_name]
 68    def get_matches(self, value) -> bool:
 69        return value is not None and value == self._param.get_value()
 72class StringRangeIndexFilter(IndexFilter):
 73    """Precomputed index filter that checks for string within alphanumeric range."""
 75    def __init__(self, index_name: str, param: afscgap.param.StrRangeParam):
 76        """Create a new string range filter.
 78        Args:
 79            index_name: The name of the precomputed index filter to use for finding results.
 80            param: The string range parameter to apply to the precomputed index.
 81        """
 82        self._index_name = index_name
 83        self._param = param
 85    def get_index_names(self) -> STRS:
 86        return [self._index_name]
 88    def get_matches(self, value) -> bool:
 89        if value is None:
 90            return False
 92        if self._param.get_low() is not None:
 93            satisfies_low = value >= self._param.get_low()
 94        else:
 95            satisfies_low = True
 97        if self._param.get_high() is not None:
 98            satisfies_high = value <= self._param.get_high()
 99        else:
100            satisfies_high = True
102        return satisfies_low and satisfies_high
105class IntEqIndexFilter(IndexFilter):
106    """Precomputed index filter that checks for integer equality."""
108    def __init__(self, index_name: str, param: afscgap.param.IntEqualsParam):
109        """Create a new integer equals filter.
111        Args:
112            index_name: The name of the precomputed index filter to use for finding results.
113            param: The integer equals parameter to apply to the precomputed index.
114        """
115        self._index_name = index_name
116        self._param = param
118    def get_index_names(self) -> STRS:
119        return [self._index_name]
121    def get_matches(self, value) -> bool:
122        return value is not None and value == self._param.get_value()
125class IntRangeIndexFilter(IndexFilter):
126    """Precomputed index filter that checks for an integer in a range."""
128    def __init__(self, index_name: str, param: afscgap.param.IntRangeParam):
129        """Create a new integer range filter.
131        Args:
132            index_name: The name of the precomputed index filter to use for finding results.
133            param: The integer range parameter to apply to the precomputed index.
134        """
135        self._index_name = index_name
136        self._param = param
138    def get_index_names(self) -> STRS:
139        return [self._index_name]
141    def get_matches(self, value) -> bool:
142        if value is None:
143            return False
145        if self._param.get_low() is not None:
146            satisfies_low = value >= self._param.get_low()
147        else:
148            satisfies_low = True
150        if self._param.get_high() is not None:
151            satisfies_high = value <= self._param.get_high()
152        else:
153            satisfies_high = True
155        return satisfies_low and satisfies_high
158class FloatEqIndexFilter(IndexFilter):
159    """Precomputed index filter that checks for float approximate equality."""
161    def __init__(self, index_name: str, param: afscgap.param.FloatEqualsParam):
162        """Create a new float approximate equals filter.
164        Args:
165            index_name: The name of the precomputed index filter to use for finding results.
166            param: The float equals parameter to apply to the precomputed index.
167        """
168        self._index_name = index_name
169        self._param = param
170        self._param_str = self._prep_string(self._param.get_value())
172    def get_index_names(self) -> STRS:
173        return [self._index_name]
175    def get_matches(self, target: MATCH_TARGET) -> bool:
176        value = self._prep_string(target)
178        if value is None:
179            return False
180        else:
181            return value == self._param_str
183    def _prep_string(self, target) -> typing.Optional[str]:
184        if target is None:
185            return None
186        else:
187            return '%.2f' % target  # type: ignore
190class FloatRangeIndexFilter(IndexFilter):
191    """Precomputed index filter that checks for an floating point value in a range.
193    Precomputed index filter that checks for an floating point value in a range, using an
194    approximation. This will require local filtering to apply precision.
195    """
197    def __init__(self, index_name: str, param: afscgap.param.FloatRangeParam):
198        """Create a new float approximate range filter.
200        Args:
201            index_name: The name of the precomputed index filter to use for finding results.
202            param: The float range parameter to apply to the precomputed index.
203        """
204        self._index_name = index_name
205        self._param = param
206        self._low_str = self._prep_string(self._param.get_low())
207        self._high_str = self._prep_string(self._param.get_high())
209    def get_index_names(self) -> STRS:
210        return [self._index_name]
212    def get_matches(self, target: MATCH_TARGET) -> bool:
213        value = self._prep_string(target)
215        if value is None:
216            return False
218        if self._low_str is not None:
219            satisfies_low = value >= self._low_str
220        else:
221            satisfies_low = True
223        if self._high_str is not None:
224            satisfies_high = value <= self._high_str
225        else:
226            satisfies_high = True
228        return satisfies_low and satisfies_high
230    def _prep_string(self, target) -> typing.Optional[str]:
231        """Get a string which matches approximation / rounding used in the precomputed index.
233        Args:
234            target: The value to be converted to the index approximation / rounding.
236        Returns:
237            String describing the approximation / rounding of the input value which would be found
238            in the precomputed index.
239        """
240        if target is None:
241            return None
242        else:
243            return '%.2f' % target  # type: ignore
246class DatetimeEqIndexFilter(IndexFilter):
247    """Precomputed index filter that checks for approximate datetime equality."""
249    def __init__(self, index_name: str, param: afscgap.param.FloatEqualsParam):
250        """Create a new datetime approximate equals filter.
252        Args:
253            index_name: The name of the precomputed index filter to use for finding results.
254            param: The float equals parameter to apply to the precomputed index.
255        """
256        self._index_name = index_name
257        self._param = param
258        self._param_str = self._prep_string(self._param.get_value())
260    def get_index_names(self) -> STRS:
261        return [self._index_name]
263    def get_matches(self, target: MATCH_TARGET) -> bool:
264        value = self._prep_string(target)
266        if value is None:
267            return False
268        else:
269            return value == self._param_str
271    def _prep_string(self, target) -> typing.Optional[str]:
272        """Get a string which matches approximation / rounding used in the precomputed index.
274        Args:
275            target: The value to be converted to the index approximation / rounding.
277        Returns:
278            String describing the approximation / rounding of the input value which would be found
279            in the precomputed index.
280        """
281        if target is None:
282            return None
283        else:
284            return target.split('T')[0]  # type: ignore
287class DatetimeRangeIndexFilter(IndexFilter):
288    """Precomputed index filter that checks for a datetime value in a range.
290    Precomputed index filter that checks for an datetime value in a range, using an approximation.
291    This will require local filtering to apply precision.
292    """
294    def __init__(self, index_name: str, param: afscgap.param.FloatRangeParam):
295        """Create a new datetime approximate range filter.
297        Args:
298            index_name: The name of the precomputed index filter to use for finding results.
299            param: The datetime range parameter to apply to the precomputed index.
300        """
301        self._index_name = index_name
302        self._param = param
303        self._low_str = self._prep_string(self._param.get_low())
304        self._high_str = self._prep_string(self._param.get_high())
306    def get_index_names(self) -> STRS:
307        return [self._index_name]
309    def get_matches(self, target: MATCH_TARGET) -> bool:
310        value = self._prep_string(target)
312        if value is None:
313            return False
315        if self._low_str is not None:
316            satisfies_low = value >= self._low_str
317        else:
318            satisfies_low = True
320        if self._high_str is not None:
321            satisfies_high = value <= self._high_str
322        else:
323            satisfies_high = True
325        return satisfies_low and satisfies_high
327    def _prep_string(self, target) -> typing.Optional[str]:
328        """Get a string which matches approximation / rounding used in the precomputed index.
330        Args:
331            target: The value to be converted to the index approximation / rounding.
333        Returns:
334            String describing the approximation / rounding of the input value which would be found
335            in the precomputed index.
336        """
337        if target is None:
338            return None
339        else:
340            return target.split('T')[0]  # type: ignore
343class UnitConversionIndexFilter(IndexFilter):
344    """Index filter decorator which performs a unit conversion prior to applying an inner filter."""
346    def __init__(self, inner: IndexFilter, user_units: str, system_units: str):
347        """Create a new decorator which applies a unit conversion prior to calling an inner filter.
349        Args:
350            inner: The underlying filter to decorate.
351            user_units: Units exepected by the inner filter.
352            system_units: Original units within the underlying data.
353        """
354        self._inner = inner
355        self._user_units = user_units
356        self._system_units = system_units
358    def get_index_names(self) -> typing.Iterable[str]:
359        return self._inner.get_index_names()
361    def get_matches(self, value: MATCH_TARGET) -> bool:
362        if value is None:
363            converted = None
364        else:
365            original = float(value)  # type: ignore
366            converted = afscgap.convert.convert(original, self._system_units, self._user_units)
368        return self._inner.get_matches(converted)
371class LogicalOrIndexFilter(IndexFilter):
372    """A composite index filter which applies a logical or between multiple inner filters."""
374    def __init__(self, inners: typing.List[IndexFilter]):
375        """Create a new logical or index filter.
377        Args:
378            inners: The filters to apply, reporting True if any match or False if none match.
379        """
380        self._inners = inners
382        names = itertools.chain(*map(lambda x: x.get_index_names(), self._inners))
383        names_unique = set(names)
385        if len(names_unique) == 0:
386            raise RuntimeError('Logical or index filter requires one or more index.')
388        self._names = list(names_unique)
390    def get_index_names(self) -> STRS:
391        return self._names
393    def get_matches(self, value: MATCH_TARGET) -> bool:
394        matches = map(lambda x: x.get_matches(value), self._inners)
395        return functools.reduce(lambda a, b: a or b, matches)
399    'str': {
400        'equals': StringEqIndexFilter,
401        'range': StringRangeIndexFilter
402    },
403    'int': {
404        'equals': IntEqIndexFilter,
405        'range': IntRangeIndexFilter
406    },
407    'float': {
408        'equals': FloatEqIndexFilter,
409        'range': FloatRangeIndexFilter
410    },
411    'datetime': {
412        'equals': DatetimeEqIndexFilter,
413        'range': DatetimeRangeIndexFilter
414    }
418    'year': ['year'],
419    'srvy': ['srvy'],
420    'survey': ['survey'],
421    'stratum': ['stratum'],
422    'station': ['station'],
423    'vessel_name': ['vessel_name'],
424    'vessel_id': ['vessel_id'],
425    'date_time': ['date_time'],
426    'latitude_dd': ['latitude_dd_start', 'latitude_dd_end'],
427    'longitude_dd': ['longitude_dd_start', 'longitude_dd_end'],
428    'species_code': ['species_code'],
429    'common_name': ['common_name'],
430    'scientific_name': ['scientific_name'],
431    'taxon_confidence': ['taxon_confidence'],
432    'cpue_kgha': ['cpue_kgkm2'],
433    'cpue_kgkm2': ['cpue_kgkm2'],
434    'cpue_kg1000km2': ['cpue_kgkm2'],
435    'cpue_noha': ['cpue_nokm2'],
436    'cpue_nokm2': ['cpue_nokm2'],
437    'cpue_no1000km2': ['cpue_nokm2'],
438    'weight_kg': ['weight_kg'],
439    'count': ['count'],
440    'bottom_temperature_c': ['bottom_temperature_c'],
441    'surface_temperature_c': ['surface_temperature_c'],
442    'depth_m': ['depth_m'],
443    'distance_fished_km': ['distance_fished_km'],
444    'net_width_m': ['net_width_m'],
445    'net_height_m': ['net_height_m'],
446    'area_swept_ha': ['area_swept_km2'],
447    'duration_hr': ['duration_hr']
451    'cpue_kgha': {'user': 'kg/ha', 'system': 'kg/km2'},
452    'cpue_kg1000km2': {'user': 'kg1000/km2', 'system': 'kg/km2'},
453    'cpue_noha': {'user': 'no/ha', 'system': 'no/km2'},
454    'cpue_no1000km2': {'user': 'no1000/km2', 'system': 'no/km2'},
455    'area_swept_ha': {'user': 'ha', 'system': 'km2'}
458FIELD_DATA_TYPE_OVERRIDES = {'date_time': 'datetime'}
460# These fields, when indexed, ignore zero values. If not presence only, these need to be included.
461PRESENCE_ONLY_FIELDS = {'species_code', 'common_name', 'scientific_name'}
464def decorate_filter(field: str, original: IndexFilter) -> IndexFilter:
465    """Decorate a filter for unit conversion or other preprocessing if required.
467    Args:
468        field: The name of the underlying field for which decoration should be applied.
469        original: The undeocrated index filter.
471    Returns:
472        Decorated filter if decoration was required or original if not.
473    """
474    if field not in FIELD_CONVERSIONS:
475        return original
477    conversion = FIELD_CONVERSIONS[field]
478    user_units = conversion['user']
479    system_units = conversion['system']
480    return UnitConversionIndexFilter(original, user_units, system_units)
483def determine_if_ignorable(field: str, param: afscgap.param.Param, presence_only: bool) -> bool:
484    """Determine if a field parameter is ignored for pre-filtering.
486    Determine if a field parameter is ignored for pre-filtering, turning it into a noop because
487    pre-filtering isn't possible or precomputed indicies are not available.
489    Args:
490        field: The name of the field for which filters should be made.
491        param: The parameter to apply for the field.
492        presence_only: Flag indicating if the query is for presence so zero inference records can be
493            excluded.
495    Returns:
496        True if ignorable and false otherwise.
497    """
498    if param.get_is_ignorable():
499        return True
501    # If the field index is presence only and this isn't a presence only request, the index must be
502    # ignored (cannot be used to pre-filter results).
503    zero_inference_required = not presence_only
504    field_index_excludes_zeros = field in PRESENCE_ONLY_FIELDS
505    if zero_inference_required and field_index_excludes_zeros:
506        return True
508    filter_type = param.get_filter_type()
509    if filter_type == 'empty':
510        return True
512    return False
515def make_filters(field: str, param: afscgap.param.Param,
516    presence_only: bool) -> typing.Iterable[IndexFilter]:
517    """Make filters for a field describing a backend-agnostic parameter.
519    Args:
520        field: The name of the field for which filters should be made.
521        param: The parameter to apply for the field.
522        presence_only: Flag indicating if the query is for presence so zero inference records can be
523            excluded.
525    Returns:
526        Iterable over filters which implement the given parameter for precomputed indicies. This may
527        be approximated such that all matching results are included in results but some results may
528        included may not match, requiring re-evaluation locally.
529    """
530    if determine_if_ignorable(field, param, presence_only):
531        return []
533    filter_type = param.get_filter_type()
535    if field in FIELD_DATA_TYPE_OVERRIDES:
536        data_type = FIELD_DATA_TYPE_OVERRIDES[field]
537    else:
538        data_type = param.get_data_type()
540    data_type_strategies = STRATEGIES.get(data_type, None)
541    if data_type_strategies is None:
542        raise RuntimeError('Could not find filter strategy for type %s.' % data_type)
544    init_strategy = data_type_strategies.get(filter_type, None)
545    if init_strategy is None:
546        raise RuntimeError('Could not find filter strategy for type %s.' % filter_type)
548    indicies = INDICIES.get(field, [])
549    if len(indicies) == 0:
550        return []
552    undecorated_filters = map(lambda x: init_strategy(x, param), indicies)
553    decorated_filters = map(lambda x: decorate_filter(field, x), undecorated_filters)
554    decorated_filters_realized = list(decorated_filters)
555    return [LogicalOrIndexFilter(decorated_filters_realized)]
MATCH_TARGET = typing.Union[float, int, str, NoneType]
STRS = typing.Iterable[str]
class IndexFilter:
25class IndexFilter:
26    """Interface for a filter against a precomupted index."""
28    def __init__(self):
29        """Create a new index filter."""
30        raise NotImplementedError('Use implementor.')
32    def get_index_names(self) -> STRS:
33        """Get the name of the precomputed index to use to filter results.
35        Returns:
36            The name of the precomputed index which can be used to execute this filter.
37        """
38        raise NotImplementedError('Use implementor.')
40    def get_matches(self, target: MATCH_TARGET) -> bool:
41        """Determine a value matches this filter.
43        Args:
44            target: The value to test if matches this filter.
46        Returns:
47            True if this matches this filter's critera for being included in results for False
48            otherwise.
49        """
50        raise NotImplementedError('Use implementor.')

Interface for a filter against a precomupted index.

28    def __init__(self):
29        """Create a new index filter."""
30        raise NotImplementedError('Use implementor.')

Create a new index filter.

def get_index_names(self) -> Iterable[str]:
32    def get_index_names(self) -> STRS:
33        """Get the name of the precomputed index to use to filter results.
35        Returns:
36            The name of the precomputed index which can be used to execute this filter.
37        """
38        raise NotImplementedError('Use implementor.')

Get the name of the precomputed index to use to filter results.


The name of the precomputed index which can be used to execute this filter.

def get_matches(self, target: Union[float, int, str, NoneType]) -> bool:
40    def get_matches(self, target: MATCH_TARGET) -> bool:
41        """Determine a value matches this filter.
43        Args:
44            target: The value to test if matches this filter.
46        Returns:
47            True if this matches this filter's critera for being included in results for False
48            otherwise.
49        """
50        raise NotImplementedError('Use implementor.')

Determine a value matches this filter.

  • target: The value to test if matches this filter.

True if this matches this filter's critera for being included in results for False otherwise.

class StringEqIndexFilter(IndexFilter):
53class StringEqIndexFilter(IndexFilter):
54    """Precomputed index filter that checks for string equality."""
56    def __init__(self, index_name: str, param: afscgap.param.StrEqualsParam):
57        """Create a new string equals filter.
59        Args:
60            index_name: The name of the precomputed index filter to use for finding results.
61            param: The string equals parameter to apply to the precomputed index.
62        """
63        self._index_name = index_name
64        self._param = param
66    def get_index_names(self) -> STRS:
67        return [self._index_name]
69    def get_matches(self, value) -> bool:
70        return value is not None and value == self._param.get_value()

Precomputed index filter that checks for string equality.

StringEqIndexFilter(index_name: str, param: afscgap.param.StrEqualsParam)
56    def __init__(self, index_name: str, param: afscgap.param.StrEqualsParam):
57        """Create a new string equals filter.
59        Args:
60            index_name: The name of the precomputed index filter to use for finding results.
61            param: The string equals parameter to apply to the precomputed index.
62        """
63        self._index_name = index_name
64        self._param = param

Create a new string equals filter.

  • index_name: The name of the precomputed index filter to use for finding results.
  • param: The string equals parameter to apply to the precomputed index.
def get_index_names(self) -> Iterable[str]:
66    def get_index_names(self) -> STRS:
67        return [self._index_name]

Get the name of the precomputed index to use to filter results.


The name of the precomputed index which can be used to execute this filter.

def get_matches(self, value) -> bool:
69    def get_matches(self, value) -> bool:
70        return value is not None and value == self._param.get_value()

Determine a value matches this filter.

  • target: The value to test if matches this filter.

True if this matches this filter's critera for being included in results for False otherwise.

class StringRangeIndexFilter(IndexFilter):
 73class StringRangeIndexFilter(IndexFilter):
 74    """Precomputed index filter that checks for string within alphanumeric range."""
 76    def __init__(self, index_name: str, param: afscgap.param.StrRangeParam):
 77        """Create a new string range filter.
 79        Args:
 80            index_name: The name of the precomputed index filter to use for finding results.
 81            param: The string range parameter to apply to the precomputed index.
 82        """
 83        self._index_name = index_name
 84        self._param = param
 86    def get_index_names(self) -> STRS:
 87        return [self._index_name]
 89    def get_matches(self, value) -> bool:
 90        if value is None:
 91            return False
 93        if self._param.get_low() is not None:
 94            satisfies_low = value >= self._param.get_low()
 95        else:
 96            satisfies_low = True
 98        if self._param.get_high() is not None:
 99            satisfies_high = value <= self._param.get_high()
100        else:
101            satisfies_high = True
103        return satisfies_low and satisfies_high

Precomputed index filter that checks for string within alphanumeric range.

StringRangeIndexFilter(index_name: str, param: afscgap.param.StrRangeParam)
76    def __init__(self, index_name: str, param: afscgap.param.StrRangeParam):
77        """Create a new string range filter.
79        Args:
80            index_name: The name of the precomputed index filter to use for finding results.
81            param: The string range parameter to apply to the precomputed index.
82        """
83        self._index_name = index_name
84        self._param = param

Create a new string range filter.

  • index_name: The name of the precomputed index filter to use for finding results.
  • param: The string range parameter to apply to the precomputed index.
def get_index_names(self) -> Iterable[str]:
86    def get_index_names(self) -> STRS:
87        return [self._index_name]

Get the name of the precomputed index to use to filter results.


The name of the precomputed index which can be used to execute this filter.

def get_matches(self, value) -> bool:
 89    def get_matches(self, value) -> bool:
 90        if value is None:
 91            return False
 93        if self._param.get_low() is not None:
 94            satisfies_low = value >= self._param.get_low()
 95        else:
 96            satisfies_low = True
 98        if self._param.get_high() is not None:
 99            satisfies_high = value <= self._param.get_high()
100        else:
101            satisfies_high = True
103        return satisfies_low and satisfies_high

Determine a value matches this filter.

  • target: The value to test if matches this filter.

True if this matches this filter's critera for being included in results for False otherwise.

class IntEqIndexFilter(IndexFilter):
106class IntEqIndexFilter(IndexFilter):
107    """Precomputed index filter that checks for integer equality."""
109    def __init__(self, index_name: str, param: afscgap.param.IntEqualsParam):
110        """Create a new integer equals filter.
112        Args:
113            index_name: The name of the precomputed index filter to use for finding results.
114            param: The integer equals parameter to apply to the precomputed index.
115        """
116        self._index_name = index_name
117        self._param = param
119    def get_index_names(self) -> STRS:
120        return [self._index_name]
122    def get_matches(self, value) -> bool:
123        return value is not None and value == self._param.get_value()

Precomputed index filter that checks for integer equality.

IntEqIndexFilter(index_name: str, param: afscgap.param.IntEqualsParam)
109    def __init__(self, index_name: str, param: afscgap.param.IntEqualsParam):
110        """Create a new integer equals filter.
112        Args:
113            index_name: The name of the precomputed index filter to use for finding results.
114            param: The integer equals parameter to apply to the precomputed index.
115        """
116        self._index_name = index_name
117        self._param = param

Create a new integer equals filter.

  • index_name: The name of the precomputed index filter to use for finding results.
  • param: The integer equals parameter to apply to the precomputed index.
def get_index_names(self) -> Iterable[str]:
119    def get_index_names(self) -> STRS:
120        return [self._index_name]

Get the name of the precomputed index to use to filter results.


The name of the precomputed index which can be used to execute this filter.

def get_matches(self, value) -> bool:
122    def get_matches(self, value) -> bool:
123        return value is not None and value == self._param.get_value()

Determine a value matches this filter.

  • target: The value to test if matches this filter.

True if this matches this filter's critera for being included in results for False otherwise.

class IntRangeIndexFilter(IndexFilter):
126class IntRangeIndexFilter(IndexFilter):
127    """Precomputed index filter that checks for an integer in a range."""
129    def __init__(self, index_name: str, param: afscgap.param.IntRangeParam):
130        """Create a new integer range filter.
132        Args:
133            index_name: The name of the precomputed index filter to use for finding results.
134            param: The integer range parameter to apply to the precomputed index.
135        """
136        self._index_name = index_name
137        self._param = param
139    def get_index_names(self) -> STRS:
140        return [self._index_name]
142    def get_matches(self, value) -> bool:
143        if value is None:
144            return False
146        if self._param.get_low() is not None:
147            satisfies_low = value >= self._param.get_low()
148        else:
149            satisfies_low = True
151        if self._param.get_high() is not None:
152            satisfies_high = value <= self._param.get_high()
153        else:
154            satisfies_high = True
156        return satisfies_low and satisfies_high

Precomputed index filter that checks for an integer in a range.

IntRangeIndexFilter(index_name: str, param: afscgap.param.IntRangeParam)
129    def __init__(self, index_name: str, param: afscgap.param.IntRangeParam):
130        """Create a new integer range filter.
132        Args:
133            index_name: The name of the precomputed index filter to use for finding results.
134            param: The integer range parameter to apply to the precomputed index.
135        """
136        self._index_name = index_name
137        self._param = param

Create a new integer range filter.

  • index_name: The name of the precomputed index filter to use for finding results.
  • param: The integer range parameter to apply to the precomputed index.
def get_index_names(self) -> Iterable[str]:
139    def get_index_names(self) -> STRS:
140        return [self._index_name]

Get the name of the precomputed index to use to filter results.


The name of the precomputed index which can be used to execute this filter.

def get_matches(self, value) -> bool:
142    def get_matches(self, value) -> bool:
143        if value is None:
144            return False
146        if self._param.get_low() is not None:
147            satisfies_low = value >= self._param.get_low()
148        else:
149            satisfies_low = True
151        if self._param.get_high() is not None:
152            satisfies_high = value <= self._param.get_high()
153        else:
154            satisfies_high = True
156        return satisfies_low and satisfies_high

Determine a value matches this filter.

  • target: The value to test if matches this filter.

True if this matches this filter's critera for being included in results for False otherwise.

class FloatEqIndexFilter(IndexFilter):
159class FloatEqIndexFilter(IndexFilter):
160    """Precomputed index filter that checks for float approximate equality."""
162    def __init__(self, index_name: str, param: afscgap.param.FloatEqualsParam):
163        """Create a new float approximate equals filter.
165        Args:
166            index_name: The name of the precomputed index filter to use for finding results.
167            param: The float equals parameter to apply to the precomputed index.
168        """
169        self._index_name = index_name
170        self._param = param
171        self._param_str = self._prep_string(self._param.get_value())
173    def get_index_names(self) -> STRS:
174        return [self._index_name]
176    def get_matches(self, target: MATCH_TARGET) -> bool:
177        value = self._prep_string(target)
179        if value is None:
180            return False
181        else:
182            return value == self._param_str
184    def _prep_string(self, target) -> typing.Optional[str]:
185        if target is None:
186            return None
187        else:
188            return '%.2f' % target  # type: ignore

Precomputed index filter that checks for float approximate equality.

FloatEqIndexFilter(index_name: str, param: afscgap.param.FloatEqualsParam)
162    def __init__(self, index_name: str, param: afscgap.param.FloatEqualsParam):
163        """Create a new float approximate equals filter.
165        Args:
166            index_name: The name of the precomputed index filter to use for finding results.
167            param: The float equals parameter to apply to the precomputed index.
168        """
169        self._index_name = index_name
170        self._param = param
171        self._param_str = self._prep_string(self._param.get_value())

Create a new float approximate equals filter.

  • index_name: The name of the precomputed index filter to use for finding results.
  • param: The float equals parameter to apply to the precomputed index.
def get_index_names(self) -> Iterable[str]:
173    def get_index_names(self) -> STRS:
174        return [self._index_name]

Get the name of the precomputed index to use to filter results.


The name of the precomputed index which can be used to execute this filter.

def get_matches(self, target: Union[float, int, str, NoneType]) -> bool:
176    def get_matches(self, target: MATCH_TARGET) -> bool:
177        value = self._prep_string(target)
179        if value is None:
180            return False
181        else:
182            return value == self._param_str

Determine a value matches this filter.

  • target: The value to test if matches this filter.

True if this matches this filter's critera for being included in results for False otherwise.

class FloatRangeIndexFilter(IndexFilter):
191class FloatRangeIndexFilter(IndexFilter):
192    """Precomputed index filter that checks for an floating point value in a range.
194    Precomputed index filter that checks for an floating point value in a range, using an
195    approximation. This will require local filtering to apply precision.
196    """
198    def __init__(self, index_name: str, param: afscgap.param.FloatRangeParam):
199        """Create a new float approximate range filter.
201        Args:
202            index_name: The name of the precomputed index filter to use for finding results.
203            param: The float range parameter to apply to the precomputed index.
204        """
205        self._index_name = index_name
206        self._param = param
207        self._low_str = self._prep_string(self._param.get_low())
208        self._high_str = self._prep_string(self._param.get_high())
210    def get_index_names(self) -> STRS:
211        return [self._index_name]
213    def get_matches(self, target: MATCH_TARGET) -> bool:
214        value = self._prep_string(target)
216        if value is None:
217            return False
219        if self._low_str is not None:
220            satisfies_low = value >= self._low_str
221        else:
222            satisfies_low = True
224        if self._high_str is not None:
225            satisfies_high = value <= self._high_str
226        else:
227            satisfies_high = True
229        return satisfies_low and satisfies_high
231    def _prep_string(self, target) -> typing.Optional[str]:
232        """Get a string which matches approximation / rounding used in the precomputed index.
234        Args:
235            target: The value to be converted to the index approximation / rounding.
237        Returns:
238            String describing the approximation / rounding of the input value which would be found
239            in the precomputed index.
240        """
241        if target is None:
242            return None
243        else:
244            return '%.2f' % target  # type: ignore

Precomputed index filter that checks for an floating point value in a range.

Precomputed index filter that checks for an floating point value in a range, using an approximation. This will require local filtering to apply precision.

FloatRangeIndexFilter(index_name: str, param: afscgap.param.FloatRangeParam)
198    def __init__(self, index_name: str, param: afscgap.param.FloatRangeParam):
199        """Create a new float approximate range filter.
201        Args:
202            index_name: The name of the precomputed index filter to use for finding results.
203            param: The float range parameter to apply to the precomputed index.
204        """
205        self._index_name = index_name
206        self._param = param
207        self._low_str = self._prep_string(self._param.get_low())
208        self._high_str = self._prep_string(self._param.get_high())

Create a new float approximate range filter.

  • index_name: The name of the precomputed index filter to use for finding results.
  • param: The float range parameter to apply to the precomputed index.
def get_index_names(self) -> Iterable[str]:
210    def get_index_names(self) -> STRS:
211        return [self._index_name]

Get the name of the precomputed index to use to filter results.


The name of the precomputed index which can be used to execute this filter.

def get_matches(self, target: Union[float, int, str, NoneType]) -> bool:
213    def get_matches(self, target: MATCH_TARGET) -> bool:
214        value = self._prep_string(target)
216        if value is None:
217            return False
219        if self._low_str is not None:
220            satisfies_low = value >= self._low_str
221        else:
222            satisfies_low = True
224        if self._high_str is not None:
225            satisfies_high = value <= self._high_str
226        else:
227            satisfies_high = True
229        return satisfies_low and satisfies_high

Determine a value matches this filter.

  • target: The value to test if matches this filter.

True if this matches this filter's critera for being included in results for False otherwise.

class DatetimeEqIndexFilter(IndexFilter):
247class DatetimeEqIndexFilter(IndexFilter):
248    """Precomputed index filter that checks for approximate datetime equality."""
250    def __init__(self, index_name: str, param: afscgap.param.FloatEqualsParam):
251        """Create a new datetime approximate equals filter.
253        Args:
254            index_name: The name of the precomputed index filter to use for finding results.
255            param: The float equals parameter to apply to the precomputed index.
256        """
257        self._index_name = index_name
258        self._param = param
259        self._param_str = self._prep_string(self._param.get_value())
261    def get_index_names(self) -> STRS:
262        return [self._index_name]
264    def get_matches(self, target: MATCH_TARGET) -> bool:
265        value = self._prep_string(target)
267        if value is None:
268            return False
269        else:
270            return value == self._param_str
272    def _prep_string(self, target) -> typing.Optional[str]:
273        """Get a string which matches approximation / rounding used in the precomputed index.
275        Args:
276            target: The value to be converted to the index approximation / rounding.
278        Returns:
279            String describing the approximation / rounding of the input value which would be found
280            in the precomputed index.
281        """
282        if target is None:
283            return None
284        else:
285            return target.split('T')[0]  # type: ignore

Precomputed index filter that checks for approximate datetime equality.

DatetimeEqIndexFilter(index_name: str, param: afscgap.param.FloatEqualsParam)
250    def __init__(self, index_name: str, param: afscgap.param.FloatEqualsParam):
251        """Create a new datetime approximate equals filter.
253        Args:
254            index_name: The name of the precomputed index filter to use for finding results.
255            param: The float equals parameter to apply to the precomputed index.
256        """
257        self._index_name = index_name
258        self._param = param
259        self._param_str = self._prep_string(self._param.get_value())

Create a new datetime approximate equals filter.

  • index_name: The name of the precomputed index filter to use for finding results.
  • param: The float equals parameter to apply to the precomputed index.
def get_index_names(self) -> Iterable[str]:
261    def get_index_names(self) -> STRS:
262        return [self._index_name]

Get the name of the precomputed index to use to filter results.


The name of the precomputed index which can be used to execute this filter.

def get_matches(self, target: Union[float, int, str, NoneType]) -> bool:
264    def get_matches(self, target: MATCH_TARGET) -> bool:
265        value = self._prep_string(target)
267        if value is None:
268            return False
269        else:
270            return value == self._param_str

Determine a value matches this filter.

  • target: The value to test if matches this filter.

True if this matches this filter's critera for being included in results for False otherwise.

class DatetimeRangeIndexFilter(IndexFilter):
288class DatetimeRangeIndexFilter(IndexFilter):
289    """Precomputed index filter that checks for a datetime value in a range.
291    Precomputed index filter that checks for an datetime value in a range, using an approximation.
292    This will require local filtering to apply precision.
293    """
295    def __init__(self, index_name: str, param: afscgap.param.FloatRangeParam):
296        """Create a new datetime approximate range filter.
298        Args:
299            index_name: The name of the precomputed index filter to use for finding results.
300            param: The datetime range parameter to apply to the precomputed index.
301        """
302        self._index_name = index_name
303        self._param = param
304        self._low_str = self._prep_string(self._param.get_low())
305        self._high_str = self._prep_string(self._param.get_high())
307    def get_index_names(self) -> STRS:
308        return [self._index_name]
310    def get_matches(self, target: MATCH_TARGET) -> bool:
311        value = self._prep_string(target)
313        if value is None:
314            return False
316        if self._low_str is not None:
317            satisfies_low = value >= self._low_str
318        else:
319            satisfies_low = True
321        if self._high_str is not None:
322            satisfies_high = value <= self._high_str
323        else:
324            satisfies_high = True
326        return satisfies_low and satisfies_high
328    def _prep_string(self, target) -> typing.Optional[str]:
329        """Get a string which matches approximation / rounding used in the precomputed index.
331        Args:
332            target: The value to be converted to the index approximation / rounding.
334        Returns:
335            String describing the approximation / rounding of the input value which would be found
336            in the precomputed index.
337        """
338        if target is None:
339            return None
340        else:
341            return target.split('T')[0]  # type: ignore

Precomputed index filter that checks for a datetime value in a range.

Precomputed index filter that checks for an datetime value in a range, using an approximation. This will require local filtering to apply precision.

DatetimeRangeIndexFilter(index_name: str, param: afscgap.param.FloatRangeParam)
295    def __init__(self, index_name: str, param: afscgap.param.FloatRangeParam):
296        """Create a new datetime approximate range filter.
298        Args:
299            index_name: The name of the precomputed index filter to use for finding results.
300            param: The datetime range parameter to apply to the precomputed index.
301        """
302        self._index_name = index_name
303        self._param = param
304        self._low_str = self._prep_string(self._param.get_low())
305        self._high_str = self._prep_string(self._param.get_high())

Create a new datetime approximate range filter.

  • index_name: The name of the precomputed index filter to use for finding results.
  • param: The datetime range parameter to apply to the precomputed index.
def get_index_names(self) -> Iterable[str]:
307    def get_index_names(self) -> STRS:
308        return [self._index_name]

Get the name of the precomputed index to use to filter results.


The name of the precomputed index which can be used to execute this filter.

def get_matches(self, target: Union[float, int, str, NoneType]) -> bool:
310    def get_matches(self, target: MATCH_TARGET) -> bool:
311        value = self._prep_string(target)
313        if value is None:
314            return False
316        if self._low_str is not None:
317            satisfies_low = value >= self._low_str
318        else:
319            satisfies_low = True
321        if self._high_str is not None:
322            satisfies_high = value <= self._high_str
323        else:
324            satisfies_high = True
326        return satisfies_low and satisfies_high

Determine a value matches this filter.

  • target: The value to test if matches this filter.

True if this matches this filter's critera for being included in results for False otherwise.

class UnitConversionIndexFilter(IndexFilter):
344class UnitConversionIndexFilter(IndexFilter):
345    """Index filter decorator which performs a unit conversion prior to applying an inner filter."""
347    def __init__(self, inner: IndexFilter, user_units: str, system_units: str):
348        """Create a new decorator which applies a unit conversion prior to calling an inner filter.
350        Args:
351            inner: The underlying filter to decorate.
352            user_units: Units exepected by the inner filter.
353            system_units: Original units within the underlying data.
354        """
355        self._inner = inner
356        self._user_units = user_units
357        self._system_units = system_units
359    def get_index_names(self) -> typing.Iterable[str]:
360        return self._inner.get_index_names()
362    def get_matches(self, value: MATCH_TARGET) -> bool:
363        if value is None:
364            converted = None
365        else:
366            original = float(value)  # type: ignore
367            converted = afscgap.convert.convert(original, self._system_units, self._user_units)
369        return self._inner.get_matches(converted)

Index filter decorator which performs a unit conversion prior to applying an inner filter.

UnitConversionIndexFilter( inner: IndexFilter, user_units: str, system_units: str)
347    def __init__(self, inner: IndexFilter, user_units: str, system_units: str):
348        """Create a new decorator which applies a unit conversion prior to calling an inner filter.
350        Args:
351            inner: The underlying filter to decorate.
352            user_units: Units exepected by the inner filter.
353            system_units: Original units within the underlying data.
354        """
355        self._inner = inner
356        self._user_units = user_units
357        self._system_units = system_units

Create a new decorator which applies a unit conversion prior to calling an inner filter.

  • inner: The underlying filter to decorate.
  • user_units: Units exepected by the inner filter.
  • system_units: Original units within the underlying data.
def get_index_names(self) -> Iterable[str]:
359    def get_index_names(self) -> typing.Iterable[str]:
360        return self._inner.get_index_names()

Get the name of the precomputed index to use to filter results.


The name of the precomputed index which can be used to execute this filter.

def get_matches(self, value: Union[float, int, str, NoneType]) -> bool:
362    def get_matches(self, value: MATCH_TARGET) -> bool:
363        if value is None:
364            converted = None
365        else:
366            original = float(value)  # type: ignore
367            converted = afscgap.convert.convert(original, self._system_units, self._user_units)
369        return self._inner.get_matches(converted)

Determine a value matches this filter.

  • target: The value to test if matches this filter.

True if this matches this filter's critera for being included in results for False otherwise.

class LogicalOrIndexFilter(IndexFilter):
372class LogicalOrIndexFilter(IndexFilter):
373    """A composite index filter which applies a logical or between multiple inner filters."""
375    def __init__(self, inners: typing.List[IndexFilter]):
376        """Create a new logical or index filter.
378        Args:
379            inners: The filters to apply, reporting True if any match or False if none match.
380        """
381        self._inners = inners
383        names = itertools.chain(*map(lambda x: x.get_index_names(), self._inners))
384        names_unique = set(names)
386        if len(names_unique) == 0:
387            raise RuntimeError('Logical or index filter requires one or more index.')
389        self._names = list(names_unique)
391    def get_index_names(self) -> STRS:
392        return self._names
394    def get_matches(self, value: MATCH_TARGET) -> bool:
395        matches = map(lambda x: x.get_matches(value), self._inners)
396        return functools.reduce(lambda a, b: a or b, matches)

A composite index filter which applies a logical or between multiple inner filters.

LogicalOrIndexFilter(inners: List[IndexFilter])
375    def __init__(self, inners: typing.List[IndexFilter]):
376        """Create a new logical or index filter.
378        Args:
379            inners: The filters to apply, reporting True if any match or False if none match.
380        """
381        self._inners = inners
383        names = itertools.chain(*map(lambda x: x.get_index_names(), self._inners))
384        names_unique = set(names)
386        if len(names_unique) == 0:
387            raise RuntimeError('Logical or index filter requires one or more index.')
389        self._names = list(names_unique)

Create a new logical or index filter.

  • inners: The filters to apply, reporting True if any match or False if none match.
def get_index_names(self) -> Iterable[str]:
391    def get_index_names(self) -> STRS:
392        return self._names

Get the name of the precomputed index to use to filter results.


The name of the precomputed index which can be used to execute this filter.

def get_matches(self, value: Union[float, int, str, NoneType]) -> bool:
394    def get_matches(self, value: MATCH_TARGET) -> bool:
395        matches = map(lambda x: x.get_matches(value), self._inners)
396        return functools.reduce(lambda a, b: a or b, matches)

Determine a value matches this filter.

  • target: The value to test if matches this filter.

True if this matches this filter's critera for being included in results for False otherwise.

STRATEGIES = {'str': {'equals': <class 'StringEqIndexFilter'>, 'range': <class 'StringRangeIndexFilter'>}, 'int': {'equals': <class 'IntEqIndexFilter'>, 'range': <class 'IntRangeIndexFilter'>}, 'float': {'equals': <class 'FloatEqIndexFilter'>, 'range': <class 'FloatRangeIndexFilter'>}, 'datetime': {'equals': <class 'DatetimeEqIndexFilter'>, 'range': <class 'DatetimeRangeIndexFilter'>}}
INDICIES = {'year': ['year'], 'srvy': ['srvy'], 'survey': ['survey'], 'stratum': ['stratum'], 'station': ['station'], 'vessel_name': ['vessel_name'], 'vessel_id': ['vessel_id'], 'date_time': ['date_time'], 'latitude_dd': ['latitude_dd_start', 'latitude_dd_end'], 'longitude_dd': ['longitude_dd_start', 'longitude_dd_end'], 'species_code': ['species_code'], 'common_name': ['common_name'], 'scientific_name': ['scientific_name'], 'taxon_confidence': ['taxon_confidence'], 'cpue_kgha': ['cpue_kgkm2'], 'cpue_kgkm2': ['cpue_kgkm2'], 'cpue_kg1000km2': ['cpue_kgkm2'], 'cpue_noha': ['cpue_nokm2'], 'cpue_nokm2': ['cpue_nokm2'], 'cpue_no1000km2': ['cpue_nokm2'], 'weight_kg': ['weight_kg'], 'count': ['count'], 'bottom_temperature_c': ['bottom_temperature_c'], 'surface_temperature_c': ['surface_temperature_c'], 'depth_m': ['depth_m'], 'distance_fished_km': ['distance_fished_km'], 'net_width_m': ['net_width_m'], 'net_height_m': ['net_height_m'], 'area_swept_ha': ['area_swept_km2'], 'duration_hr': ['duration_hr']}
FIELD_CONVERSIONS = {'cpue_kgha': {'user': 'kg/ha', 'system': 'kg/km2'}, 'cpue_kg1000km2': {'user': 'kg1000/km2', 'system': 'kg/km2'}, 'cpue_noha': {'user': 'no/ha', 'system': 'no/km2'}, 'cpue_no1000km2': {'user': 'no1000/km2', 'system': 'no/km2'}, 'area_swept_ha': {'user': 'ha', 'system': 'km2'}}
FIELD_DATA_TYPE_OVERRIDES = {'date_time': 'datetime'}
PRESENCE_ONLY_FIELDS = {'common_name', 'species_code', 'scientific_name'}
def decorate_filter( field: str, original: IndexFilter) -> IndexFilter:
465def decorate_filter(field: str, original: IndexFilter) -> IndexFilter:
466    """Decorate a filter for unit conversion or other preprocessing if required.
468    Args:
469        field: The name of the underlying field for which decoration should be applied.
470        original: The undeocrated index filter.
472    Returns:
473        Decorated filter if decoration was required or original if not.
474    """
475    if field not in FIELD_CONVERSIONS:
476        return original
478    conversion = FIELD_CONVERSIONS[field]
479    user_units = conversion['user']
480    system_units = conversion['system']
481    return UnitConversionIndexFilter(original, user_units, system_units)

Decorate a filter for unit conversion or other preprocessing if required.

  • field: The name of the underlying field for which decoration should be applied.
  • original: The undeocrated index filter.

Decorated filter if decoration was required or original if not.

def determine_if_ignorable(field: str, param: afscgap.param.Param, presence_only: bool) -> bool:
484def determine_if_ignorable(field: str, param: afscgap.param.Param, presence_only: bool) -> bool:
485    """Determine if a field parameter is ignored for pre-filtering.
487    Determine if a field parameter is ignored for pre-filtering, turning it into a noop because
488    pre-filtering isn't possible or precomputed indicies are not available.
490    Args:
491        field: The name of the field for which filters should be made.
492        param: The parameter to apply for the field.
493        presence_only: Flag indicating if the query is for presence so zero inference records can be
494            excluded.
496    Returns:
497        True if ignorable and false otherwise.
498    """
499    if param.get_is_ignorable():
500        return True
502    # If the field index is presence only and this isn't a presence only request, the index must be
503    # ignored (cannot be used to pre-filter results).
504    zero_inference_required = not presence_only
505    field_index_excludes_zeros = field in PRESENCE_ONLY_FIELDS
506    if zero_inference_required and field_index_excludes_zeros:
507        return True
509    filter_type = param.get_filter_type()
510    if filter_type == 'empty':
511        return True
513    return False

Determine if a field parameter is ignored for pre-filtering.

Determine if a field parameter is ignored for pre-filtering, turning it into a noop because pre-filtering isn't possible or precomputed indicies are not available.

  • field: The name of the field for which filters should be made.
  • param: The parameter to apply for the field.
  • presence_only: Flag indicating if the query is for presence so zero inference records can be excluded.

True if ignorable and false otherwise.

def make_filters( field: str, param: afscgap.param.Param, presence_only: bool) -> Iterable[IndexFilter]:
516def make_filters(field: str, param: afscgap.param.Param,
517    presence_only: bool) -> typing.Iterable[IndexFilter]:
518    """Make filters for a field describing a backend-agnostic parameter.
520    Args:
521        field: The name of the field for which filters should be made.
522        param: The parameter to apply for the field.
523        presence_only: Flag indicating if the query is for presence so zero inference records can be
524            excluded.
526    Returns:
527        Iterable over filters which implement the given parameter for precomputed indicies. This may
528        be approximated such that all matching results are included in results but some results may
529        included may not match, requiring re-evaluation locally.
530    """
531    if determine_if_ignorable(field, param, presence_only):
532        return []
534    filter_type = param.get_filter_type()
536    if field in FIELD_DATA_TYPE_OVERRIDES:
537        data_type = FIELD_DATA_TYPE_OVERRIDES[field]
538    else:
539        data_type = param.get_data_type()
541    data_type_strategies = STRATEGIES.get(data_type, None)
542    if data_type_strategies is None:
543        raise RuntimeError('Could not find filter strategy for type %s.' % data_type)
545    init_strategy = data_type_strategies.get(filter_type, None)
546    if init_strategy is None:
547        raise RuntimeError('Could not find filter strategy for type %s.' % filter_type)
549    indicies = INDICIES.get(field, [])
550    if len(indicies) == 0:
551        return []
553    undecorated_filters = map(lambda x: init_strategy(x, param), indicies)
554    decorated_filters = map(lambda x: decorate_filter(field, x), undecorated_filters)
555    decorated_filters_realized = list(decorated_filters)
556    return [LogicalOrIndexFilter(decorated_filters_realized)]

Make filters for a field describing a backend-agnostic parameter.

  • field: The name of the field for which filters should be made.
  • param: The parameter to apply for the field.
  • presence_only: Flag indicating if the query is for presence so zero inference records can be excluded.

Iterable over filters which implement the given parameter for precomputed indicies. This may be approximated such that all matching results are included in results but some results may included may not match, requiring re-evaluation locally.